Sunday, March 13, 2011

Animal Testing at the University of Texas

Last month, I posted about animal testing and the despicable practices the industry employs. This month, the University of Texas has shown itself to be a part of that inhumane industry.

A whistleblower recently called PETA to share some rather disturbing methods the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (UTMB) has been using. The insider reported that dogs, cats, monkeys, sheep, goats, ferrets and mice are all being used in painful experiments. These animals have been burned, mutilated, and cut open, while at the same time are surrounded by untrained staff, careless handling and severe neglect.

Experimenter Daniel Traber has allegedly subjected these animals to third degree burns on 40% of their bodies, while forcing them to inhale smoke.

"Scientists" and experimenters also intentionally:
  • Caused spinal cord injuries in sheep.
  • Operated painful surgical procedures on animals and offered no anesthetic either during or after the surgery.
  • Imprisoned highly social animals to tiny stainless steel cages.
And more!

Click here for more information, and to send a letter to the UTMB President urging him to take action.

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