Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Disturbing World of Animal Testing

You probably know a little bit about animal testing. Its a pretty straight forward concept - testing new products or ideas on animals. But the realities are much crueler than they seem, let me share some dirty facts about the industry with you.

  • Every year over 100 million animals are used for testing, most of them are rats and mice, but they also use dogs, cats, rabbits and chimpanzees.
  • Animals are usually kept in dark, sad spaces, in isolation and in tiny cages. They suffer greatly from loneliness, boredom and lack of love.
  • Animals like chimpanzees are injected with HIV, or various other human diseases, and then given various potentially painful treatments.
  • Oftentimes corporations are testing cosmetics and household products on the animals. NOT life saving drugs! Humans force them to eat the toxic products, spray them in their eyes and put them on their skin. For example, dogs are force fed pesticides and rabbits have corrosive chemicals rubbed into their skin and eyes.
  • Dogs are set on fire for the purpose of 3rd degree burn product research.
  • The results are misleading. Most of these animals aren’t even genetically close to us! Products that work great on a chimpanzee can still be, and have proven to be, dangerous for humans.
  • Companies like Johnson & Johnson, who own Band-Aid and Aveeno, and Procter & Gamble test on animals.

Ok, I hear some of your thoughts right now. Better us than them right? Some people are under the impression that human life is more important than animal life, a belief I do not share. But there ARE ways to test that do not involve animals. So even if you do value human life over all others, we can find advances that don’t involve torturing innocent creatures.

What Can I DO?

Make sure the products you buy are not tested on animals. Buy natural products - No chemicals that trash the environment and no animal testing. Double win.

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Want to learn more?

Cruelty-Free Company search
PETA - Animals Used for Experimentation

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