Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Story of Stuff

If you've never seen the video The Story of Stuff, you need to. With over 12 000 000 views, Annie Leonard explains the wasteful and toxic processes that go into most things we buy, throws down some super interesting facts, and explains what we can all do about the self-destructive consumerism craze that is quickly becoming our downfall. And it's all told in a simple, straightforward way that everyone will be able to follow and enjoy.

Among the things I learned?
  • In the Amazon alone, we're losing 2000 trees a minute
  • 40% of the waterways in the US have become undrinkable.
  • Of the 100 largest economies on earth, 51 are corporations. Aka corporations have overtaken governments.
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Check out her site for more:

Story of Stuff

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